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Character Design

Character design may sometimes be necessary if you have a character in mind but can't quite figure out what he or she will look like. We can help by doing some simple sketches with a 180 view of your character and some simple coloring to have an idea what the outfit color scheme will also be. Once approved then pencils can be started.


Character Design Samples:


Pencils is the most important part of the comic art process as the penciller will bring your writing to life. He will interpret your script in a visual manner and create panels in which the characters are placed in a cinematographic way. Basically this is the main art on your comic, cover or pinup.


Pencil Samples:


The inks is where the art gets it's dark bold lines. The inker will add some depth and shading in order to define the image. He also cleans up the image and finalizes the pencils which look more as a sketch. This is normally the second stage within the artwork also known as line art. 


Ink Samples:


The coloring process is where the art comes to life. The colorist will ad lighting & shadows to provide even more depth and the richness of colors. The colorist will pick at the details and will make them easier to see. He also adds special effects to the art to assist with the visualization of explosions or super powers. This is normally the 3rd step in the process.


Color Samples:


The lettering process is where the letter transfers the script onto the page with speech bubbles. This is where your characters get their voice. Lettering is an art form. The letter will carefully asses where it is best to place the bubbles, how the wording should be arranged to fit the area. If done correctly it will not only be pleasing to the eye but the bubbles can help the reader pace him or her self, which is important to help the reader immerse him or her self into the story. The Letterer can also letter the cover.


Letter Samples:

PDF File Creation for Production

The PDF File Creation process is where your comic can be put together into a PDF File for production. If you plan to print your comic with a local printer or have the comic available in digital format, then usually you require a PDF as it organizes your pages into just one file, it is technically a digital copy of your comic. Something to keep in mind is that not all printers use the same size requirement for full bleed pages, you need to know what size requirement they need before requesting this service. However most printers use 7"x10.5".


There are currently no prices set at the moment as prices can depend on number of pages and how detailed the job requirement is. Please contact us for a quote, either Email us at or use the Contact Us page to send us a message.

For more information or inquiries please visit our FAQ page. 

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